Nov 11

Chino Dream

Chino Dream - TubeCrush.net

Date: 28th September 2011

Line: District Line

Submitted By: @cooksey87

If music be the food of lust love then today is a veritable feast on TubeCrush. Following our earlier rendition of a Grease 2 classic, we now can’t resist Katy Perry’s sultry beat, inspired by this demure, refined, knock-out sex beast.

*Sings to the tune of Teenage Dream*#You got me looking at a Chiiino dream

Nov 11

Hu’s That Guy

Hu's That Guy - TubeCrush.net

Date: 1st November 2011

Line: Northern Line

Submitted By: Louise

Occasionally there are some guys we see on the tube that make us want to break out into song (mostly on the days when we haven’t taken our medication). Fans of Grease 2 will be pleased to hear that we had to stifle our best Michelle Pfeiffer impression to prevent  bursting into rollicking rendition of ‘Who’s That Guy?‘. We definitely did not put on our imitation Pink Ladies jacket and sing into our hairbrush when we got home either.